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教学设计 Unit 9 My favorite subject is science

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教学设计 Unit 9 My favorite subject is science


Unit 9 My favorite subject is science



          1. 熟记词汇探究的新单词,正确完成知识探究内容。

          2. 询问最喜欢的科目及其喜爱原因。

          3. 掌握Why…? 与 Because…句型。

               4.学习favorite 的用法,知道使用物主代词表达某人的最爱eg. Her favorite subject is...


          favorite  subject  science  P.E.  music  match  Chinese  history   

          geography  why  because  Monday  Friday  Saturday  for sure               


         What’s your favorite subject?

              My favorite subject is ...





Teaching steps:

      Step 1: Greet students. 

        1. Learn the new words about subjects and descriptions.

        2. Loot at some pictures about subjects.        

3. Pair work. 

             A: What’s your favorite subject?         

             B: My favorite subject is…               

             A: Why do you like it?                   

             B: Because it's...

        4. Read the aims together. 

Step 2: Self-exploration  (No discuss)

        1.Complete the vocabulary part

        2. Complete the listening part

        3. Complete the knowledge part       

Step 3: Cooperative communication

        1. Check the answers of self-exploration with your group. 

        2. Role play. Practice 2d with your partner. Pay attention to the important phrases and sentences.

Step 4: Results show

       1. Ask students to show the answers to the questions of self-exploration one by one.

       2. Role-play the conversation 2d.

Step 5: Training consolidation

    基础题 — 单项选择。

  1. Frank wants to go to China___April 2nd

   A.on B.at C.in D.for

     2. ---______ is it today? ---Its Sunday. 

       A. What day  B. What about   C. What time   D. What color 

     3.  _______your favorite subject?

       A. Whats   B. What are    C. Whos    D. Science

     4. I like art ______ its fun. 

       A. why    B. what   C. how     D. because 

     5. ---Why dont you like English?  ―Because it’s ________. 

       A. interesting   B. fun    C. exciting    D. difficult 

     6. Saturday is the ________ day of a week. 

       A. six     B. seven     C. sixth    D. seventh 

     7. Ann____English at 9:00 o’clock.   

       A. has    B. have   B . takes    D. Bring

     8. Today we have _________.

       A. two new student     B. new two students

       C. new two student     D. two new students


 拓展题 — 从II栏中选出I栏各句的回答

              I                                                                     II

   ( )1. Does she like English?           A. Mr. Brown.

   ( )2. What time do you have history?     B. Biology.

   ( )3. What’s your favorite subject? C. Because it’s interesting.

   ( )4. Who’s his art teacher?         D. At 9:00.

   ( )5. Why do you like science?         E. Yes, she does.


提升题 — 按要求完成句子。 

  1. His favorite subject is math. (对画线部分提问) 

    _______ ____his favorite subject? 

  2. I have biology on Tuesday and Thursday. (对画线部分提问) 

    _______ ____ _____ have biology? 

  3. Mr. Li is my favorite teacher. (对画线部分提问) 

    _______ ____your favorite teacher? 


Step 6: Self-examination

Step 7: Homework 


My favorite day is ____________,because I have ____________.I like ____________.

I think it's ____________.


Step 8:板书

           Unit 9 My favorite subject is science Period 1

                   Section A (1a-2d)

1. Words: 

         favorite  subject  science  P.E.  music  match  Chinese  history  geography  why  because  Monday  Friday     Saturday  for sure               

2. Sentences:

            What’s your favorite subject? 

            Why do you like science?  Because it’s interesting. 

            How’s your day? 

         “have +subjects

            the next day 

           That’s for sure.

Step9.Homework: preview period 2

Step10.Teaching reflection:



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