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张世伟教学设计Unit 4 My home A Let's learn

2023年03月28日 18:47:21 来源:网校空间 访问量:26

Unit4My homePart A第二课时教学设计

兰西县奋斗镇第一中学 张世伟


Let’s learn部分,呈现了Amy家的截面图,二楼的卧室,书房,一楼的客厅、厨房和浴室。Amy的爸爸在问Amy在哪里。Amy的妈妈告诉他,Amy在书房里。以此为背景呈现居室名称类词汇:bedroom, study, living room, kitchen, bathroom。询问物品或人物在哪里的句型:Where is ...? Is she in the ...?

Let’s do 是个与居室和活动相关的指令性活动。包括:Go to the living room. Watch TV. GO to the kitchen. Have a snack等等内容。学生首先要熟悉这些居室的名称,还要了解这些动词短语的意思和读音,并能将两者正确地匹配起来。可以在教学中设计一些活动,让学生熟悉、操练这些内容。



1. 能够听懂、会说、认读单词:bedroom, study, living room, kitchen, bathroom

2. 能够在真实或虚拟的情景中听懂、会说、认读句式:Where is ....? Is she / he in the ...? Yes, she/ he is. / No, she/ he isn’t.

3. 能够听懂会说Let’s do中的指令,并能做出正确的反应





2. 难点:

能够听懂会说Let’s do 中的语句,能够正确匹配居室和活动


1. 多媒体课件、录音机、磁带

2. 居室单词卡片


Step 1 Warm up

1.呈现韵句:Where is it? 学生先倾听,再跟唱,最后齐唱。

Teacher: Let’s chant. Listen to me first.

Where is it? Where is it?

Is it on the desk?

Is it in the bag?

Is it under the chair?

Where is it? Where is it?

It’s in the book.

It’s in my book.

Teacher: Now please chant with me. Let’ s chant together.


Step 2 Lead in

1. 播放图片来介绍自己的家。让学生通过真实的场景来理解新授单词的意思。

Teacher:Boys and girls, where is it? It’s my home. Welcome to my home. I will show the rooms in my house. This is my living room. I watch TV in the living room. This is my kitchen. I have a snack. I cook delicious food in it. This is my bathroom. I take a shower, wash my face in it. This is my study. I read books in it. This is my bedroom. I have a nap and sleep in it. Do you like my home?(介绍的同时板书居室名称单词)


Step 3 Presentation

1. 引起阅读兴趣,播放课文录音。

Teacher:You know my home well. Do you want to see Amy’s home? Let’s listen and watch. And try to answer, where is Amy?  


Teacher: Now show me you answer. Where is Amy? Yes, she is in the study.


2. 再次播放课文内容,学生跟读。

Teacher:Listen to the text again and read with it.


Step 4 Practice

1. I point you say.我指你说。教师指向黑板上的单词,学生快速读出单词。

Teacher:Now,I point you say. I will point to the word on the blackboard. Please read the word quickly. What’s this? What’s this? What about this one?



Teacher:Look at this picture, what room is this? Yes. Read it one by one, please. And what about this one? What room is it? Boys repeat it, please.  And what about this one? Girls read it, please. ...


3. 出示单词卡片,学生先快速读出单词,再出示卡片的背面,让学生猜单词。

Teacher:Look at the cards of the new words. Please read it as quickly as you can.

Teacher: I show the back of the cards. Guess, what word is it? You can say: is it a ...? Please have a try.


4. 针对各个房间进行活动问答。

Teacher:What do you do in the living room? You read a book. You watch TV. You make a call....(板书短语watch TV)Read it and do the action with me, watch TV.

Teacher: What do you do in the bedroom? You do your homework. You sleep. You listen to music. You have a nap. A nap means you sleep for a short time. (板书短语have a nap)Read it and do the actions with me.

Teacher: What do you do in the kitchen? You have breakfast, lunch and dinner. You cook. Good. Oh, you wash the dishes. Good girl. (板书短语have a snack)Read it after me and do the action, please.

Teacher: What do you do in the bathroom? You can take a shower. You can take a bath. (出示不同的图片,帮助学生区别两种活动)And you wash your face and hands. (板书短语take a shower)Repeat it with me and do the action, please.

Teacher: What do you do in the study? You read books and do your homework. (板书短语 read a book)Repeat it with me and do the action, please.

设计意图:将在房间能够做的活动与房间结合起来。使学生加深对于房间词汇的理解和认识,帮助他们更加地记忆单词。同时,引出Let’s do中的短语,为下一步的活动做好知识上的准备。

5. 房间与活动匹配。教师说出居室名称,学生说出相应的活动。教师做出动作,学生说出活动并说出相应的居室名称。

Teacher: Now let’s match. I say the name of the rooms, you say what you do in it.

Teacher: Now I do the action, Say what I do and where am I.

Teacher: Who wants to do the actions? Show us, please. Where is he/ she? Are you in the... ?

设计意图:通过这样的活动,使学生将活动与居室名称匹配起来,形成对于新授词汇的立体记忆, 并对于Let’s do 指令的正确反应奠定了基础。

Step 5 Summary

1. 完成Let’s do 活动。

Teacher: Listen and show me the actions. Go to the living room. Watch TV. Go to the study. Read a book. Go to the kitchen. Have a snack. Go to the bedroom. Have a nap. Go to the bathroom. Take a shower.

Teacher: Now I say Go to the... You say the action. Ready? Go to the bathroom. Yes, take a shower. Go to the living room. Yes, watch TV.

Teacher: Now I say the activities, you say the rooms. Have a snack. Yes, you should say Go to the kitchen.  Read a book. Good, go to the study.



Unit4 My home Part A Let’s learn

bathroom    study      kitchen    bedroom     living room

Where is she? She is in the ...?

Is she in the ... ? Yes, she is. / No, she isn’t. 


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