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unit4.Then and now教案

2022年04月12日 16:55:17 来源:网校空间 访问量:10


Unit Four Then and now


Content Revision                                      Period  Lesson 8

Teaching  Plan        


Teaching aims

1. To master the key words in Unit 4.

2. To master the key sentences in Unit 4.

3. To grasp the form and the usages of the simple

past tense related with there be and use them.

4. To finish the exercises of Unit 4.

5. To write the articles about someone’s old school

and present school by using the simple past tense

and the simple present tense.

  1. To raise Ss’ interest in learning English by

developing their speaking and writing ability.


Important points

To master the words and sentences in Unit 4.



1. To master there was/were(no)… and there is/ are (no)…to describe the changes.

2. To master the usages of the simple past and

present tense.

Teaching procedures

Step 1  Warming up & Revision

1. Greet the class.

2. Ask and answer.

Did you like pink before? /Do you like pink now?

Are you active now? /Were you active in class before?

Could you ride your bike well before?

Do you go cycling every day?

Was there any water in the bottle?

Step 2  Presentation & Practice

1. Review the words. Show the phonetic symbols, Ss try to read and spell the words. Check up some individuals.

2. Read the four-skill sentences of Unit 4 together. Then translate the key sentences.

3. Read the usages of there be. Present some words about the park and read them.

4. Focus on there be, read the concept of there be, consolidate how to use it.

5. Emphasize the differences between have, has, had and there be.

Step 3  Consolidation & Extension

1. Do exercises on PPT and summarize the usages.

A. Fill in the blanks to finish the sentences.

B. Write down the sentences according to the tips.

2. Write an article according to the changes of some students.

A. Give the clues of the articles.





short hair

long hair



middle school student


go to school by bus

go to school by bike

B. Read the example article and explain how to write it better.

C. Give the Ss several minutes to write the article.

D. Ask some individuals to show their articles.

Step 4  Summary & Homework

1. Summarize the key points in this lesson.

2. Do homework.

A. Repeat and emphasize them again.

B. Write an article of My School.





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