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unit Four I have a pen pal A let's talk

2022年03月28日 16:54:08 来源:网校空间 访问量:20


Unit Four  I have a pen pal


Content  Part A  Let’s talk & Let’s try               Period Lesson 2

Teaching Plan        




1. To read and say the words pen pal, jasmine.

2. To read and write the sentence patterns

What are Peter’s hobbies? He likes reading stories, doing kung fu and swimming.

3. To finish the listening exercises in Let’s try.

4. To raise the Ss’ interest in learning English by chanting, games, making a survey and filling in the blanks.




To grasp the four- skill sentences What are Peter’s hobbies? He likes reading stories, doing kung fu and swimming.



To talk about hobbies with the sentence patterns fluently in the real situation.

Teaching procedures

Step 1 Warming up & Revision

1. Greet the class.

2. Practice oral communication about hobbies.

What are your hobbies? I like … and …. / My hobbies are ….

Check up some pairs to act out in the front.

3. Look at the pictures and make a dialogue with your partner.

What are his/her hobbies?

Ask and answer according to the pictures.

Step 2  Presentation & Practice

1. Let’s try.

A. Listen to the tape and tick the right answer.

B. Ask one of the students to check the answers.

  C. Listen again and repeat sentence by sentence.

2. Show the picture of Peter and ask.

A. Where does Peter live?

B. Does Peter like reading stories?

C. What are Peter’s hobbies?

Have some Ss guess. Then read the dialogue.

3. Watch the videos and check the answers together.

4. Read and understand the dialogue. Emphasize and practise the new sentences Peter likes singing. I like singing, too. So I’m going to teach him the Chinese song “Jasmine Flower”.

5. Listen to the video and repeat. Ask the Ss to pay attention to the pronunciations in the sentences and try their best to modify.

6. Circle the key words and underline the important sentences. Make sure the Ss can grasp the important sentences.

7. Read the dialogue three times and try to recite it.

Step 3  Consolidation & Extension

  1. Work in pairs.

Talk about your best friend’s hobbies.

2. Do exercises.

A. Write down the sentences according to different situations.

B. Write down the sentences with the similar meaning.

Step 4  Summary & Homework

1. Summarize the key points in this lesson.

2. Do homework.

Recite the dialogue in Let’s talk.












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